Saturday, September 10, 2011


The dating world is sometimes a hard one to survive. So much is happening, that we often become stressed and take it out on our significant others. The most important thing you can do is be self-aware. Know when to say enough is enough. Never lose your self-identity. Let the other person have a life of their own. Space is sometimes necessary. We would all like to believe that our significant other is someone who loves to be around us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While you both may love to spend tons of time together, this sometimes can be a negative thing. Are you or your partner losing friends? Are you fighting all the time, yet continue to see each other? Do you break plans with others, or not even make them at all, because you’re after to not be with the person you’re dating (or married to)? These are just a few signs that you need some space in the relationship. Relationships are a two way street. You have to know yourself in order to make the other person understand you. Finding someone who “just knows” what we want without communication is unrealistic. Aside from this, you need to open your ears and use your mind to understand the other person. We are not all psychology experts. Not everyone is self-aware. This is a strong key to a healthy relationship. If you can explain how you are as person, you can help your significant other understand you better. This is true vice versa. Sometimes we meet people who have little confidence, low self-esteem, and they just don’t really care to get to know themselves. If you are dating someone like this, it’s easier for you to help them if you aren’t in the same position that they are.

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